VFR Communications and Airspace Training (CAT) Program


Welcome to the VFR CAT program. This is a series of 11 scenarios that can be flown on PilotEdge to practice common VFR procedures, better understand the types of airspace associated with VFR flight and also to practice the ATC interactions associated with all types of VFR flying. If you’d like to take part then review the Taking the Tests page and the CAT Ratings Practical Test Standards. After that you are ready to get started.

Note: A ZLA or ZLA+WUS subscription is required to participate in this program since these ratings take place entirely within the ZLA coverage area.

The CAT Flights

  • CAT-09: Class B Flyways
    Fly from a Class C airport to a Class D airport, utilizing Flyways under the Los Angeles Class B Airspace (KBUR-KFUL)