

Welcome to the PilotEdge I-Ratings! This series of 11 IFR flights can help you become familiar with a wide range of practical techniques and concepts that are important for IFR flight. Each scenario contains helpful resources to help you become comfortable with the concepts that are being presented.

If you’d like to take part, review the Taking the CAT/I Tests guide and the I Ratings Practical Test Standards. After that you are ready to get started with the list below. The program is voluntary, but if you do elect to take part then the flights need to be completed in order.

Note: A ZLA or ZLA+WUS subscription is required to participate in this program since these ratings take place entirely within the ZLA coverage area.

I-Rating Flights

  • I-09: Profile SID/STAR (retired for now)
    KLAS to KLAX via BOACH or MCCRN SID and the RIIVR STAR into LAX
  • I-11: Meeting Your Arc Enemy (KAJO-KVCV)
    Non-towered departure using Obstacle Departure Procedure, hold at PDZ, VOR/DME RWY 17 at KVCV, missed, then cancel IFR and land under VFR

All done? Check out Sky High Charters for more graded flights, or the Alphabet Challenges for a self-paced tour of the PilotEdge world!